Asaeli Saladuadua, 18, might be new to the cadet drills in school but his not new to military life.
“My father, Colonel Ilisoni Saladuadua, is my greatest mentor and I am proud to achieve such an award all because of his teachings and morals,” he said.
The Nayavu, Wainibuka, Tailevu lad is determined to join the Army after receiving the Best Cadet Award for his school.
“This is the best feeling ever. I felt like I just won a lottery,” he said.
“I am not only happy of my achievement, but I am also happy to know that my last year here at Vulinitu is a success and this will be one of the best memories I will hold dearly,” he said.
He is the captain of his Rewa House with the ‘WHY BOTHER’ motto that kept him going during the one-week training.
“I think all schools should take up cadet training because this proves to be one of the best ways to discipline students,” Asaeli said.
“There are a total of 166 cadets in my platoon and within the one week cadet training, we gave it all our best as teams to work together and top most aim was to maintain discipline at an expected standard all the time.”