It was a proud moment for the Fijians in Darwin, Australia, on Tuesday as they witnessed the official naming and unveiling of ‘Nuku Road’ named after a Fijian, the late Pauliasi Nuku – also known as Paul Nuku.
Mr Nuku was Darwin’s longest-serving prison officer and a boxing fanatic and his work with prisoners at the Darwin Correctional Centre and young people involved in boxing and martial arts made him a popular figure.
His commitment, dignity and courage were such that it was not only fitting, but right, to name the road after him.
Mr Nuku’s good friend Brett Schroeder remembers his mate as a passionate and caring man who left a lasting impression.
“Paul did a lot for the kids from the rural area by giving them a real aim in life and teaching them the arts of boxing and martial arts,” Mr Schroeder said.
“Boxing was his real passion after arriving here from Fiji and he carried that over to his life’s work.
“We are really proud of this son of Fiji and he really deserves the honour bestowed on him.”
Mr Schroeder shares this joy with Mr Nuku’s wife, Sarah Nuku, daughters Amelia and Anita and son Paul Nuku Junior and their family and friends in Fiji.
Mr Nuku’s dad is from Komo, Lau, and mum from Waitabu, Lakeba.
The family lived at Nadonumai, Delainavesi in Suva.
Mr Nuku left for Australia in the 1970s to study and did not return. He died aged 59 in January last year.
He was a former Head Boy of Queen Victoria School made his mark and his contribution in the Northern Territory Government was duly recognised.